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Game mode setup

How to setup game mode name, description, CVars, etc.

Name and description

Every game mode .cfg file specifies his name and description this way:

  1. The first line specifies what game name that should be displayed in server browser and in splash with server settings data.
  2. The second line is a help text displayed when someone types help in console.
//Team Death Match mode (FF1, WS0).

Server variables


Some settings don't change on the fly, requiring a map change to have any effect.


  • sv_ag_gametype "" — Special plugins will be activated according to game type. E.g. ctf, arena, etc.
  • sv_ag_wallgauss 1 — Wall gauss effect multiplier.
  • sv_ag_headshot 3 — Head shot damage multiplier.
  • sv_ag_blastradius 1 — Explosion radius multiplier.
  • 🚧 Planned sv_ag_lj_timer 0 — Remove LJ from player after certain time.
  • 🚧 Planned sv_ag_spawn_volume 1 — Default volume for spawn.
  • 🚫 Deprecated sv_ag_pure 0 0: Checks for player models consistency, variables and wallhack. 1: Adds checks for weapon models.
  • 🚫 Deprecated sv_ag_oldphysics 1 — Bunnyhop enabled. Dropped in favour of mp_bunnyhop.

Ban weapons from the map

  • sv_ag_ban_crowbar 0
  • sv_ag_ban_glock 0
  • sv_ag_ban_357 0
  • sv_ag_ban_mp5 0
  • sv_ag_ban_shotgun 0
  • sv_ag_ban_crossbow 0
  • sv_ag_ban_rpg 0
  • sv_ag_ban_gauss 0
  • sv_ag_ban_egon 0
  • sv_ag_ban_hornet 0
  • sv_ag_ban_hgrenade 0
  • sv_ag_ban_satchel 0
  • sv_ag_ban_tripmine 0
  • sv_ag_ban_snark 0

Ban ammunition from the map

  • sv_ag_ban_9mmar 0 — Removes all 9mm ammo type from the map.
  • sv_ag_ban_m203 0
  • sv_ag_ban_bockshot 0 — Removes shotgun ammo.
  • sv_ag_ban_uranium 0
  • sv_ag_ban_bolts 0
  • sv_ag_ban_rockets 0
  • sv_ag_ban_357ammo 0

Ban items and chargers from the map

  • sv_ag_ban_health 0 — Removes health kits from the map.
  • sv_ag_ban_armour 0 — Removes batteries from the map.
  • sv_ag_ban_recharg 0 — Disables health and hev chargers.
  • sv_ag_ban_longjump 0

Set player starting weapons

  • sv_ag_start_crowbar 1
  • sv_ag_start_glock 1
  • sv_ag_start_357 0
  • sv_ag_start_mp5 0
  • sv_ag_start_shotgun 0
  • sv_ag_start_crossbow 0
  • sv_ag_start_rpg 0
  • sv_ag_start_gauss 0
  • sv_ag_start_egon 0
  • sv_ag_start_hornet 0
  • sv_ag_start_hgrenade 0
  • sv_ag_start_satchel 0
  • sv_ag_start_tripmine 0
  • sv_ag_start_snark 0

Set player starting ammo

  • sv_ag_start_9mmar 68 — Sets 9mm backpack ammo.
  • sv_ag_start_m203 0
  • sv_ag_start_bockshot 0 — Sets shotgun backpack ammo.
  • sv_ag_start_uranium 0
  • sv_ag_start_bolts 0
  • sv_ag_start_rockets 0
  • sv_ag_start_357ammo 0

Set player starting health, armour and LJ

  • sv_ag_start_health 100
  • sv_ag_start_armour 0
  • sv_ag_start_longjump 0

Set weapons damage

  • ✨ New sv_ag_dmg_bolts_normal 120 — Using scope.
  • ✨ New sv_ag_dmg_bolts_explosion 40 — Not using scope.
  • ✨ New sv_ag_dmg_gauss_secondary 200
  • sv_ag_dmg_crowbar 25
  • sv_ag_dmg_glock 12
  • sv_ag_dmg_357 40
  • sv_ag_dmg_mp5 12
  • sv_ag_dmg_shotgun 20
  • sv_ag_dmg_rpg 120
  • sv_ag_dmg_gauss 20
  • sv_ag_dmg_egon_wide 20
  • sv_ag_dmg_hornet 10
  • sv_ag_dmg_hgrenade 100
  • sv_ag_dmg_satchel 120
  • sv_ag_dmg_tripmine 150
  • sv_ag_dmg_m203 100
  • 🚫 Deprecated sv_ag_dmg_egon_narrow 10 — Dropped. This CVar is only used in single player.
  • 🚫 Deprecated sv_ag_dmg_bolts — Dropped in favour of better naming. Original mod never actually implemented this.
  • 🚫 Deprecated sv_ag_dmg_crossbow — Dropped in favour of better naming. Original mod never actually implemented this.

Modifying the damage values of certain weapons, like the Gauss, may break client-side synchronization. Use with caution.

List of CVars requiring client-side modifications
  • sv_ag_dmg_gauss
  • sv_ag_dmg_gauss_secondary
  • sv_ag_dmg_hgrenade

Note: There may be more.