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This page contains most of the features and bug fixes added to AG Mod X. Most of these come from using Bugfixed HL.


  • HUD for messages and votes are now displayed with the AG Style. Colors can be customized too.
  • Color codes are now displayed and no longer get removed. Most players already use clients that support coloring.
  • Respawn time is now consistent with all FPS values (no more players spawning instantly by using high FPS).
  • Fixed chat anti-flood muting the player indefinitely when the game is paused.
  • No more bug of standing corpses from clients playing with high FPS.
  • Now you can use partial player names and without the need to include color codes for the next commands: agallow, agkick, agforcespectator, etc.
  • Now you can vote for game mode and map simultaneously, saving you time by using
    vote <gamemode> [map]. For example: vote arena stalkx.
  • Added damage CVars for the crossbow and gauss secondary attack. Fixed hand grenade damage CVar too. More info here.
  • Weapons are now displayed in spectator mode.
  • Included more than 200 map locations (Thanks Golem).
  • The aglistvotes and help commands now display across multiple pages, preventing disconnects due to commands overflow.

Game modes

  • Added LLHL game mode. Similar to EHLL. More info here.
  • Added CTF mode back. It wasn't available due to some limitations. More info here.
  • Added Arcade X. Same as Arcade but now you start without armor, allowing for a more fast-paced gameplay.
  • Arena: Fixed bolts fired from a previous match not being removed when a new duel starts.



  • Fixed players with high FPS respawning too fast. This ensures players respawn time is the same regardless of their FPS.
    • Added mp_respawn_fix and mp_respawn_delay with a default value of 0.95s which is similar to spawning with 125fps.
  • Fixed standing corpses bug from high FPS players.

Quality of Life

  • Fixed jittering when moving upwards on spectator mode.
  • Fixed gauss charge sound not being reset when far away (Only on PAS). Still requires fixing on underwater, static discharge, etc.
  • Fixed player killing from stationary weapons (like a turret) not being awarded points.
  • Fixed getting stuck on lifts on high FPS servers for CBaseToggle objects, like func_door, func_plat, etc.
  • Fixed non-stopping move sound if door was blocked and returned back. Instead of stopping the sound, just don't start a new one.
  • Fixed Death Cam mode not working. Now players are able to nicely overlook the area after being death for more than 5 seconds.
  • Fixed crash when using give on items not precached by the map: weapon_satchel, item_healthkit and ammo_9mmbox.
  • Prevent kill command if client is already dead in spectator mode.
  • Make dead players non-solid to remove jittering when passing over it.


  • Fixed high network usage (choke) from bouncing satchels by disabling his animations. Satchel model didn't have animations anyway.
  • Fixed server crash when a player tries to use a tank that was already being used by another player who had no weapons equipped.
  • Fixed model name checking and diverse exploits:
    • Prevent client crash on malformed model name.
    • Check model name for forbidden characters like <>:;%?*"|/\ or empty string.
    • Prevent usage of invisible models.
  • Allow unstuck from a satchel, for example if player spawns on it.
  • Deployed satchels are now removed on: death, disconnect, entering spectator mode and any other case where all weapons are stripped, even if not carrying satchels control (dropped after deploying).


  • Fixed anti-flood muting the player indefinitely when the game is paused. The cooldown wasn't being reset on pause for some reason.
  • Fixed exploit when sending long messages with modifiers (%L, %H, %A, etc.), making players with older clients crash.
  • Fixed chat flood control. Now it will check in burst mode: 3 messages within 0.5 sec with penalty of 2 seconds.

Demo recording

  • Fixed ammo counter not being updated when recording. Now fullupdate will resend HideHUD, FOV, CurrentWeapon and Ammo info.
  • Fixed fullupdate command exploit: Limit to no more than 2 commands within 5 seconds.


  • Fixed repeating switching between gauss and egon when no ammo.
  • Fixed fast repeating sound of empty reload of RPG on +attack holding.
  • Fixed delay on primary attack with empty RPG launcher.
  • Fixed RPG laser spot not hiding on reload.
  • Fixed bug with crossbow bolt continuing to move after hitting some entity which doesn't take damage and explode in some other point.
  • Fixed bug with tripmine big view model when weapon prediction is turned off.
  • Fixed Egon and Gauss beam not coming out from weapon view model on spectator mode.
  • Added missing player attack animation on primary shot from shotgun.