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Commands reference

Here you will find most of the commands used in the mod.

Client commands

  • ✨ New say settings or settings — Show server settings.
  • help — Lists all commands with their description into your console.
  • aglistvotes — List available votes.
  • play_team <file.wav> — Play .wav files to your teammates.
  • play_close <file.wav> — Play .wav files to your teammates close to you.
  • say_close — Only team mates close to you receive your message.
say and say_team command enhancements:

The chat allows you to use placeholder codes like %H or %A that will be replaced with your current health and armour.

  • %H — Health
  • %A — Armour
  • %L — Location
  • %W — Weapon
  • %Q — Ammo. If weapon is a MP5 and has M203 ammo, it would look like this: Carrying MP5 with 50/255/10
  • %P — Long jump status. Output: Yes/No
  • %D — Death location
  • %S — Score
  • %F — Flag status. Carrying: I'm carrying <red> flag. Not carrying: I'm carrying <> flag
  • dropitems or drop flag — Drop flag in CTF mode.
  • ready/notready — Set ready mode in Arena mode.
  • 🚧 Planned timeout — Call 1 minute timeout in matches. Useful when a players drops from the match. Only one for team.
  • 🚧 Planned customtimer — Shows countdown for the amount of seconds.
  • 🚧 Planned variables — Dump of server variable list.

Vote and admin commands


  • agstart — Start a match.
  • agallow [name or #userid] — Allow a player into the match. If empty, you allow yourself to enter the match.
  • agpause — Pause server.
  • agnextmap <map> — Set next map.
  • agnextmode <mode> — Set next mode.
  • agforcespectator <name or #userid> — Force a player into spectator mode.
  • agforceteamup <name or #userid> <teamname or #teamid> — Force a player into a team.
  • ag_spectalk <0-1> — Allow spectators to talk to all.
  • ag_gauss_fix <0-2> — 0: Self gauss enabled. 1: Self gauss partially disabled. 2: Self gauss fully disabled.
  • ag_rpg_fix <0-1> — Avoids self-damage on rocket launch when moving at high speeds or closer to a wall.


  • ✨ New mp_falldamage— Enable fall damage for players.
  • ✨ New mp_bunnyhop <0-1>— Enable bunny hop technique to gain additional speed.
  • ✨ New mp_footsteps— Enable sound of player's footsteps.
  • ✨ New mp_forcerespawn— Enforce respawn of players after 5 seconds.
  • ✨ New mp_flashlight— Enable player flashlight.
  • ✨ New mp_selfgauss <0-2> — 0: Self gauss partially disabled. 1: Self gauss enabled. 2: Self gauss fully disabled.
  • mp_timelimit — Sets the time limit for the current map, in minutes.
  • mp_friendlyfire — Prevents players from damaging their teammates.
  • mp_weaponstay — Weapons don't disappear from the floor when picked up.
  • mp_fraglimit — Sets the frag limit for the current map.
  • sv_maxspeed — Sets the maximum movement speed for players.
  • 🚫 Deprecated agadmin — Dropped in favour of AMXX admin system.

All game modes (TDM, Arena, etc.) are already included in the vote list.

Server variables

  • ✨ New sv_ag_hud_color "230 230 0" — Changes the color of AG Hud.
  • sv_ag_allowed_gamemodes "ffa;tdm;arena;arcade" — The allowed gamemodes. Set this in startup_server.cfg.
  • sv_ag_max_spectators 32 — Max spectators allowed.
  • sv_ag_start_minplayers 2 — Minimum amount of players to allow match with agstart command.
  • ag_spectalk <0|1> — Allow spectators to talk to all.
  • 🚧 Planned sv_ag_show_gibs 1 — Show dead bodies.
  • 🚧 Planned sv_ag_spawn_volume 0.5 — Respawn sound volume.
  • 🚧 Planned sv_ag_allow_timeout 1 — Allow players calling timeout when playing a match.
  • 🚧 Planned ag_spec_team_only 0 — Limit spectators to their team only.
  • 🚫 Deprecated sv_ag_pure 1 — 0: Checks for player models consistency, variables and wallhack. 1: Adds checks for weapon models.


  • ✨ New sv_ag_vote_duration 30 — Duration of vote.
  • ✨ New sv_ag_vote_oldstyle 0 — Sets the style of the vote. Old style (text vote) or the new style (HUD vote).
  • sv_ag_allow_vote 1 — Allow voting.
  • sv_ag_vote_setting 1 — Vote ag_xxx settings.
  • sv_ag_vote_gamemode 1 — Allow game mode switching. If enabled, only shows available modes in sv_ag_allowed_gamemodes.
  • sv_ag_vote_kick 0 — Allow voting a kick.
  • sv_ag_vote_map 1 — Allow map voting.
  • sv_ag_vote_start 1 — Allow agstart/agkick.
  • sv_ag_vote_allow 1 — Allow agallow..
  • sv_ag_vote_failed_time 15 — Seconds until next vote can begin if last failed.
  • sv_ag_vote_mp_timelimit_low 10 — Lowest timelimit to vote on.
  • sv_ag_vote_mp_timelimit_high 1440 — Highest timelimit to vote on.
  • sv_ag_vote_mp_fraglimit_low 0 — Lowest fraglimit to vote on.
  • sv_ag_vote_mp_fraglimit_high 999 — Highest fraglimit to vote on.
  • 🚫 Deprecated sv_ag_vote_admin 0 — Allow voting an admin. Dropped in favour of AMXX admin system.