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An improved Mini AG alternative

Latest version: 2.6.1What's new?

Bugfixes and Improvements

The mod includes new commands and improvements to existing ones, with bug fixes and QoL changes in the gameplay through the use of Bugfixed HL in the core of the mod. More info here.

Portability and Flexibility

The mod itself is an AMX Mod X plugin, allowing easy integration with other plugins on your server. You can easily disable the mod in case it conflicts with other plugins.

Multi-Language Support

The mod supports translations of texts, menus and HUDs, with English and Spanish translations included out-of-the-box.


The mod's source code is available, allowing you to add new features and make improvements with just basic programming knowledge.

CTF is back!

Capture The Flag wasn't available in the original Mini AG due to some limitations, but now it's back! Players can enjoy this classic game mode, where two teams compete to hold and capture the opposing team's flag while defending their own. More info here.